St. George Spirits All Purpose Vodka 750ml

    St. George Spirits All Purpose Vodka 750ml


    St. George Spirits All Purpose Vodka. Soft and approachable, with a rich, round mouthfeel. There’s no overt pear flavor, but the inclusion of pear distillate in this vodka adds gently floral top notes and the impression of subtle sweetness on the finish.

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    Since St. George Spirits was founded in 1982, we’ve grown from a dedicated eau de vie distillery into a diverse operation that makes a range of craft spirits. Then: a bare-bones production facility with tasting tables jerry-rigged on sawhorses. Now: a 65,000-square-foot hangar with a spectacular tasting room, laboratory, and a lineup of the most beautiful copper stills in the industry. Then: a one-man operation. Now: a diverse team of individuals passionate about artisan spirits. It’s a lot to be proud of. But it didn’t happen overnight. We’ve grown slowly over the last 37 years, hiring one person at a time, adding one copper still at a time. We don’t have a marketing team or a big advertising budget. What we do have are passion, ideas, and access to superlative raw materials.

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