Rastignac XO Cognac 750ml

    Rastignac XO Cognac 750ml


    Rastignac XO Cognac. A blend of fine cognacs from 15-30 years old, this XO Cognac is characterized by a pleasant light-gold color, aromatic fresh flower aroma with notes of dark chocolate and over-ripe plums. This leads to a spicy, vanilla-led finish with all kinds of dark fruits and a smooth and mellow taste.

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    In France brandy is called eau-de-vie, a designation that includes any fermented juice that has been distilled. Most frequently this will be grape juice, but eau-de-vie can be made from apple juice, pear juice, and other fruit juices. The French also consider alcohols such as vodka (which is made from fermented potatoes) and grain alcohols to be eaux-de-vie. All types of brandy undergo the process of distillation which involves heating a fermented liquid, then collecting and recondensing the vapor that is released. Because alcohol boils at a temperature lower than water, the condensed liquid has a higher alcohol content than that from which it came.

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