Siempre Tequila Reposado 750ml

    Siempre Tequila Reposado 750ml


    Siempre Tequila Reposado. This beautifully aged spirit boasts notes of oak, fruity undertones, honey, and vanilla underpinned by cooked agave. There is a smooth harmony on the palate, not unlike what is shown in some excellent bourbons. Soft, subtly sweet, verified additive-free tequila, uniquely aged in white American oak vats with a deep hand-fired char. Made by the Vivanco Family in Arandas, Jalisco. Known for their exquisite reposados.

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    Uniquely, Siempre uses a combination of Blue Weber Agave from two distinct terroirs; the highlands of Arandas and the lowlands of the Valle de Tequila, making Siempre the perfectly balanced tequila. The agave are harvested by hand, then brought to the distillery where they are slowly baked in traditional brick ovens for several days. The agave sugars are naturally fermented in open air then double distilled in small batches in copper pots. Our tequila is brought to 40% Alc/Vol using the local natural volcanic spring water that flows through the distillery before it is bottled and labelled by hand.

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