Lalo Blanco Tequila 750ml -

    Lalo Blanco Tequila 750ml


    Lalo Blanco Tequila. Enjoy the vibrant flavor of modern Mexico with white LALO. Each bottle of LALO is infused with the wisdom and passion of three generations of tequila makers, fusing tradition with a bold new approach to tequila making. Whether you enjoy LALO slowly to savor the fresh citrus notes, splash it into a Ranch Water on a hot summer day, or mix it into a delicious cocktail, our blanco tequila elevates all of life's moments.

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    We are proud of the fact that every bottle of LALO is 100% pure. We make our tequila with the finest agave from the Altos de Jalisco, so we honor the beautiful, complex flavor of our agave by distilling it only twice and never adding flavors or other additives. Fully ripe agave, champagne yeast and deep well water are the only ingredients we need to make our premium blanco tequila.

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