Boondocks Whiskey 8 Year Old Bourbon 750ml
Boondocks Whiskey 8 Year Old Port Barrels Finished Straight Bourbon. The result, a beautiful ruby and amber color. Robust, fruity, nicely balanced with warm bourbon notes enhanced by a subtle port finish highlighted by aromas and flavors of raisins, vanilla, a touch of smoke and an oaky but not tannic sweet, big and spicy mouthfeel with a long, pleasant finish.
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Boondocks American Whiskey is owned by Royal Wine Corp., a family owned company behind a large number of wine brands. They also serve as an importer and distributors of spirits, such as whiskey, which helps give them the necessary industry connections to source whiskey for this new project. It is to Scheurich, who came out of retirement, that they’ve turned to for overseeing these new bottlings. I’m sure this little tidbit is what helped them acquire the port barrels needed for the finishing process.