21 Seeds Valencia Orange Tequila 750ml

    21 Seeds Valencia Orange Tequila 750ml


    21 Seeds Valencia Orange Blanco tequila all-natural and actually infused with real fruit and botanicals. 21 Seeds is the first and only line of spirits to be born from a blended, cold-pressed extraction process. The result is an authentic throwback to classic tequilas of the past, with a modern twist. 21 Seeds allows you to capture the essence of fresh culinary herbs and fruits, which delivers more fruit flavor, more complexity and a more balanced taste. 21 Seeds bottles are each one-of-a-kind.

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    Awarded "Best of Show" Double Gold WSWA (2019) 21Seeds Valencia Orange Blanco Tequila is all-natural and actually infused with real fruit and botanicals. The combination of Blanco tequila and real oranges creates a smooth infusion with bright orange notes without being sweet. A tropical easy-to-use tequila perfect for summer cocktails. Enjoy on the rocks, in a lower calorie cocktail like 21Seeds + Soda, or a low-calorie Margarita without sacrificing on taste.

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