Bluecoat Elderflower Gin -

    Bluecoat Elderflower Gin


    Bluecoat Elderflower Gin 750ml. Uniquely includes natural, whole elderflowers in the blend, delivering light floral notes and a heady fragrance. Our Bluecoat Original American Dry Gin distilled at 158 proof and then steeped with whole organic elderflower for two weeks at room temperature. With its delicate and floral notes, Bluecoat Elderflower is best enjoyed in a Vesper or an Elderflower Martini. On the nose: citrus & juniper, yet light & floral. On the palate: tropical fruit, citrus, melon & earthy complexity. Finishes bold, clean & slightly tannic.

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    As the original American Dry Gin, Bluecoat is in a class by itself. Unique in flavor profile and unsurpassed in character, five times distilled in the birthplace of America – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bluecoat represents the 'gourmet-ification' of America. We take immense pride in creating unique products, hallmarked by world-class ingredients and highly skilled craft distillation.

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