Highland Park 12 Year Old Viking Honour Single Malt 750ml -

    Highland Park 12 Year Old 750ml


    Highland Park 12 Year Old Viking Honour Single Malt Scotch Whisky 86 Proof. Salted lemons, a whiff of charcoal smoke, crunchy green apples, tropical fruit chews, unripe mango, beeswax, honey, dusty wood and fruity dark chocolate – maybe chocolate limes? It develops in the glass, picking up more fruit and slowly cutting the citrus notes. Palate : Starts off with syrup sweetness, quickly moving on to sour and creamy wood, with more tropical chews, pineapple and smoked orange rind. Finish : Smoky wood, malt syrup, green pine cones and woody spice.

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    Highland Park was founded in 1798 by Magnus Eunson, a direct descendant of Orkney’s early Vikings settlers. With its hallmark flavour profile of ‘intensely balanced smoky sweetness’, Highland Park’s range of award-winning permanent and special editions pays homage to the brand’s proud Viking roots and the exacting standards laid down by Magnus over 220 years ago. Highland Park is made today, just as it was in 1798, using five keystones of production. No other distillery uses all five keystones, so no other whisky tastes like Highland Park.

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