Meritxell Palleja Priorat Tinto Nita 750ml -

    Meritxell Palleja Priorat Tinto Nita 750ml


    Meritxell Palleja Priorat Tinto Nita. Is a rare gem from Priorat, a region typically known for its concentrated barrel-aged reds, because it is one of the only unoaked "vinos jovenes," or young wines, made in this famous appellation. The creation of young winemaker Meritxell Pallejà, Nita by Meritxel Pallejà retains all the characteristic minerality of a Priorat wine, while showcasing the dense fruit flavors of old-vine Garnacha and Carinena.

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    Is the third generation of her family to have been raised in Priorat, where her great-grandmother Anita built their first family home, "Cal Nita," and this wine's namesake. After finishing her undergraduate degree in agricultural engineering, Palleja spent a harvest and crush in the Napa Valley and in Bordeaux. She then returned to Priorat and became assistant enologist for Alvaro Palacios, before obtaining her graduate degree in enology and creating her own label, Nita. Inspired by biodynamic production, Pallejà aligns her vineyard management with lunar and seasonal cycles. She carefully selects old-vine Garnacha and Cariñena grapes from the steep, slate-covered vineyards, where low yields produce wines of great expression and complexity.

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