Litchfield Batcher's Gin 750ml -

    Litchfield Batcher's Gin 750ml


    Litchfield Batcher's Gin. perfected their balancing act with their Gin. They carefully select each of their botanicals and masterfully balances them in their Gin. Litchfield Distillery Gin is slightly sweet, but retains a classic juniper signature while matching it with citrus overtones. The award-winning gin is smooth and full-bodied.

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    Silver Medal at the 2020 UK World Gin Competition! Our fourth release of Barrel Finished Gin was aged in barrels made with 100% acacia wood, which imparts wonderful floral notes to the nose and palate. It complements our Gin’s signature citrus and juniper profile very nicely. It’s complex and interesting enough to enjoy neat. But, also makes for an interesting spirit to mix with cocktails.

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