Golden Chardonnay 750ml

    Golden Chardonnay 750ml


    Golden Chardonnay. Aromas and flavors of peach muffin, pear tart, spiced pineapple, and clove-studded tangerine with a silky, vibrant, dry-yet-fruity light-to-medium body and a smooth, compelling, medium-length finish with light oak flavor.

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    Based in Carmel, California, Folktale Winery, the home of Golden, is located just 5 miles from the Pacific Ocean. We think it’s one of the most beautiful places on earth, and we are inspired every day to be able to make wines here. As a growing region, Monterey County is ideally suited to grow amazing Chardonnay. The warm, dry summer days are cooled each afternoon and evening by the Pacific Ocean breeze and fog.

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