Hendrick's Neptunia Gin 750ml -

    Hendrick's Gin Neptunia


    Hendrick's Gin Neptunia 750ml. Is infused with the curious, yet marvellous, essences of rose and cucumber, delectably supported by no less than 11 botanicals from the four corners of the world. This whimsical concoction produces a wonderfully refreshing gin with a delightfully floral aroma. There are now 10 hands toiling together in the gin palace under the direct supervision of our Master Distiller Lesley Gracie.Each batch of HENDRICK'S GIN is crafted just 500 lovely litres at a time.

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    It is how HENDRICK'S GIN started in 1999 and how it will remain and allows Lesley, greater control of her careful artistry. HENDRICK'S GIN is distilled in not one but two utterly dissimilar sorts of still. The two leaders of this particular ensemble of stills are the Bennett, an antique copper pot dating right back to 1860, and the Carter-Head, hailing from 1948 (of which only a few exist today). The Bennett steeps the botanicals in spirit overnight prior to distillation resulting in a rich, complex liquid. Whereas the Carter-Head gently steams the botanicals in a basket atop its lofty neck, so influence is imparted upon the spirit in something akin to a botanical steam bath. This yields a lighter, more delicate spirit. The harmonious combination of the Bennett and Carter-Head stills create an unusually smooth gin like no other that has the required character and balance of subtle flavours.

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