Remy Martin V 750ml -

    Remy Martin V 750ml


    A bold and sophisticated distilled grape spirit. Distilled twice in copper pot stills in the traditional manner, this unique spirit rises to any occasion, revealing fresh aromas of grape and pear with an exceptionally smooth and crisp finish.Nose : Fresh fruity notes with hints of grapes and pears and nuances of melon. Taste : Subtle hints of pear and nuances of fresh mint. Body : Smooth and balanced.

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    The secret of cognac is in the soil from which it comes. For this reason, Rémy Martin only uses grapes from the most respected growing regions - the Grande Champagne and Petite Champagne.These regions contain a unique type of chalk-flecked soil that reflects light and ripens the grapes to absolute perfection. The eaux-de-vie that come exclusively from these crus, in the heart of the Cognac region, offer a palette of unique flavors and tastes. It is these very subtleties in taste that are not only recognized by the growers but protected by French law.

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