Lazzaroni Limoncello Liqueur 750ml -

    Lazzaroni Limoncello Liqueur 750ml


    Typical Mediterranean liqueur, still today made according to our last Century original recipe, through the infusion of non treated lemon peals. Hazy golden yellow emerald color. Bright aromas and flavors of lemon zest and oil with a satiny, tangy, fruity sweet medium-to-full body and a warming, nuanced, long finish with notes of honey and lemon gelato.

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    Lazzaroni The generations bearing the name Lazzaroni succeeded by expressing entrepreneurs who gave personal touches to the company's development: Giuseppe, Carlo, Pietro, Paolo, Luigi, Mario are the names behind which the Lazzaroni legend was born. The new production technologies, the quality and the originality of the products have always been the subject of great interest and research for Paolo Lazzaroni and his descendants bringing the company reality to the current levels of prestige and recognition in Italy and abroad. Quality as a tradition The importance of quality in the Paolo Lazzaroni product line has always been at the top of the scale of values: gold medals, coats of arms and prizes bear witness to it in the past; international success in today's reality. The research and selection of the most genuine raw materials, the "sacred" respect for ancient formulas and strict controls during all the processing phases commit Paolo Lazzaroni and Figli, with all his collaborators, in a continuous demonstration of professionalism and efficiency at the step with the newest technologies.

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