Four Roses Bourbon Whiskey 750ml -

    Four Roses Bourbon Whiskey 750ml


    Four Roses Bourbon Whiskey 750ml. Dried spice, pear, cocoa, vanilla & maple syrup. Palate: Hints of ripe plum & cherries, robust, full body, mellow. Finish: Smooth & delicately long. Enjoy this smooth and mellow Bourbon with its long and soft finish. Savor its unique aromas and flavors in your favorite Bourbon cocktail, on the rocks, or with a splash.

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    If you’ve ever wanted proof that mingling Bourbons is an art unto itself, you’ll find it in this perfectly balanced, Small Batch Bourbon. Four original Bourbon recipes have been expertly selected by our Master Distiller at the peak of maturation to create this very mellow and perfectly balanced Bourbon. You can enjoy it best straight up, on the rocks, or simply with a splash of your favorite mixer.

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