Sauza Hornitos Black Barrel Anejo 750ml -

    Sauza Hornitos Black Barrel Anejo 750ml


    Hornitos Black Barrel is 100% agave anejo tequila 100% agave, aged in American oak barrels previously used for Scottish Whisky. Color : Rich Dark Amber. Aroma : Oaky-Vanilla Notes With Spicy Pepper And Smoky Hints Of Oak. Taste : Inviting And Intricate Blend Of Agave And Woody Notes With Vanilla And Citrus. Finish : Clean, Smooth Finish With Slightly Lingering Notes Of Caramel, Wood, Sugars And Oak.

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    Hornitos Black Barrel starts as a premium, aged Anejo, then spends four months in deep charred oak barrels to give it rich, smoky flavor and a golden amber color. It spends an additional two months in specially toasted barrels for more depth and distinct complexity.


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