Lagavulin 8 Year Old 750ml

    Lagavulin 8 Year Old 750ml


    Discover the distinct flavors of the islands of Scotland with a swill of Lagavulin 8 Year Old Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Our limited edition 96 proof whisky has the intense, full-bodied flavor of charred, minty dark chocolate. The lingering tastes flow into a clean, long finish. Distilled in Lagavulin, Scotland on the coast of Islay, centuries of local distilling tradition are what make our malts so unique.

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    In 1742 there were at least ten illicit stills at Lagavulin, and it would be another 74 years until local farmer John Johnston founded the first legal distillery, in sight of Dunyvaig Castle. Its name may have changed over the years, but the quiet power of peat and smoke that pervades this masculine malt has not.

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