Piper Sonoma Brut Rose 750ml

    Piper Sonoma Brut Rose 750ml


    Piper Sonoma Brut Rosé, Consisting of 54% Chardonnay, 39% Pinot Noir and 7% Pinot Meunier, is fresh and fragrant, with inviting aromas of just-picked berries, a soft texture, and a delicate dry finish. The cool climate of the Russian River Valley allows for the perfect balance of fruit which retains excellent acid balance. The fruit is harvested by hand in small containers and whole clusters are pressed to bring out pure aromas and flavors.

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    Has been making world class sparkling wines in Sonoma County for over 30 years from grapes ripened to perfection by the warm Sonoma sun. Made in the Traditional Method, our wines are dry and smooth with a rich creamy texture. Piper Sonoma wines are delicious on their own and are also the perfect foundation for memorable mimosas and other classic cocktails. Our grape growers are all passionate about land stewardship and sustainable farming practices which will benefit generations to come. Our winemaking is 100% natural with no artificial or GMO ingredients used in the making of our wines and all our packaging materials are 100% recyclable. We are proud of our history and our work with our grape growing partners and their focus on environmentally conscious and sustainable farming in our community.

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