Stella Rosa Naturals Red Non-Alcoholic 750ml

    Stella Rosa Naturals Red Non-Alcoholic 750ml


    Stella Rosa Naturals Red Non-Alcoholi. Is a proprietary blend of several red grape varietals including Brachetto. With fun, fresh and fruity in mind, our team of Italian winemakers sought out to craft the same great taste of Stella Rosa, but in a non-alcoholic form. Try this delicious (and guilt-free) Stella Rosa Naturals Red chilled or over ice in your favorite cocktail/mocktail. It’s the perfect beverage for any time of day and for any occasion.

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    The area of Asti has particular significance to our family, as it is the birthplace of our family matriarch, Maddalena Riboli. Our first Stella Rosa wine was Moscato D’Asti, which has become a flagship of this line. Soon after, Stella Rosa Rosso was created – the brand’s first semi-sweet, semi-sparkling red wine blend, and first wine of its kind to be brought to America from Asti. The rapid phenomenal successes of these two wines began the lineage of the L’Originale and Imperiale lines of Stella Rosa, which now boasts 16 distinctive flavors. Born through a rich legacy, Stella Rosa remains at the forefront of innovation. Stella Rosa is not just about producing award-winning semi-sweet, semi-sparkling Italian wines; it’s about evolving with the spirit of the times when it comes to wine trends and popular culture.

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