Alois Lageder Schiava 750ml -

    Alois Lageder Schiava 750ml


    Schiava is a grape variety native to Alto Adige that, until the 1970s, was central to winemaking in the region. For this reason, the region was more well-known for its red wines than white wines for decades. Historically known for producing light-bodied and lighter-colored wines, in recent years Lageder has started experimenting with Schiava to push the boundaries of the varietal's potential, creating wines with increased levels of concentration, weight and structure, while maintaining balance, elegance and freshness.  

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    Founded initially as a wine merchant in the city of Bolzano in 1823 by Johann Lageder, the company is closing in on its bicentennial in the wine industry. Over the years, the family began producing their own wine and growing some of their own grapes as well. A major milestone came in 1934, when Johann’s great-grandson Alois purchased the Löwengang wine estate in Magrè, shifting the company’s focus from merchant to producer. Over time, the family acquired other well-positioned vineyards in Alto Adige and entered into purchase agreements with many of the small growers around Magrè. 

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