Bartenura Prosecco Brut 750ml -

    Bartenura Prosecco Brut 750ml


    Subtle aromas of peaches and strawberries with warm biscuit undertones. Notes of ripe peaches, melons and yeast mingle well with the bubbly texture of this just dry, medium-bodied sparkler. The fruit flavors are balanced well with the acidity and a creaminess that leads to a pleasant lingering finish.

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    Ovadia ben Abraham of Bertinoro, near Forlì, was a rabbi and a commentator on the Mishnah, and was commonly known as “The Bartenura.” Born in the second half of the 15th century in Italy, he was a pupil of Joseph ben Solomon Colon (known as the Maharik), and became rabbi in Bertinoro, a town in the province of Forlì whence he derived his by-name, and in Castello.This winery was named in his honor, in tribute to his Italian heritage, combining his greatness with the storied heritage of Italian winemaking. The wines have been sourced from all over the greatest regions of Italy, in pursuit of bringing the best Italy has to offer.

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