Miraval Cotes de Provence Rose 750ml -

    Miraval Cotes de Provence Rose 750ml


    Elegant pale-pink colour, evoking a rose petal. On the nose, Miraval Rosé shows all its elegance: beautifully fresh, it exudes aromas of fresh fruit, currants and fresh rose with a zest of lemon. The refinement continues in the mouth with a beautiful liveliness and gourmet notes that subtly balance the mineral and saline notes. An irresistible wine that ends with a long finish with lemony notes.

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    Tucked away in its own private valley in the ancient village of Correns - the first organic village in France - Miraval covers 500 hectares of land in the heart of Provence. The magnificent Chateau is set in a cirque surrounded by ancient woods, olive trees, vi­neyards and abundant water supply.

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