Ramazzotti Amaro 750ml

    Ramazzotti Amaro 750ml


    Ramazzotti Amaro. The bitter flavour group provides a gentle bitterness, which is typical of herbal liqueurs. Rhubarb combines particularly well with other ingredients to create a balance of flavours. The Chinchon plant is native to the Peruvian Andes. It has an intensely bitter flavour and aids digestion. The gentian plant has a delicately bitter quality and is native to the temperate areas of Central Europe. The citrus flavour group key characteristic comes from distilled orange peel, which gives the Amaro a delicately fresh citrus aroma that delights the senses with its sweet succulence.

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    Drinking an Amaro Ramazzotti means tasting the thrill of every moment and discovering the beauty of #ItaliaDaBere. For over 200 years, according to its secret ancient recipe, Amaro Ramazzotti has been the result of a perfect blend of 33 herbs, spices, flowers and fruits from all over the world, giving it an intense and balanced flavour, to be enjoyed alone or in cocktails.

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