Averna Amaro Siciliano 750ml -

    Averna Amaro Siciliano 750ml


    Averna is an amaro, a semi-bitter, with a uniquely delicate and balanced bittersweet taste. Velvety and warm on the palate, it is an expression of all the flavors and aromas of the land where it originated: Sicily.

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    Amaro Averna is an authentic Italian liqueur for after dinner. Averna’s ingredients give it a richness, full body and smooth taste with a delicate citrus fragrance, able to transport you to the warm lands of Sicily and to evoke a world of unsurpassed beauty. Averna is produced using the original recipe given to Salvatore Averna by Fra Girolamo, a Benedictine monk from the Abbey of the Holy Spirit in Caltanissetta. This recipe has been passed down since 1868.

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