Meletti Amaro 750ml
Meletti Amaro. Is produced according to a secret family recipe that originated at the turn of the century. This remarkable blend of aromatic fruits, herbs, and spices creates a perfectly balanced digestivo that is neither overly bitter, nor overly sweet. Amaro is traditionally enjoyed on its own after a meal, but the intoxicating aromas and flavors of sweet orange peel and bitter genziana root, a plant local Le Marche, along with notes of cloves, add a unique component to cocktails.
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Since 1870, the Meletti family has been producing Italy’s most beloved liqueurs in the fertile lands of Ascoli Piceno on the Adriatic coastal region of Le Marche. Under the direction of Silvio Meletti, the finest, natural ingredients are cultivated, selected, and blended to create limited-production artisanal cordials, aperitivos, digestivos, and liqueurs of distinctive character. Silvio Meletti wanted to create a local product that could compete with the expensive imported liqueurs. After carefully studying various distillation processes, Silvio developed a unique production method using a bain-marie still which allows for a slow evaporation process that renders highly aromatic distillates. This art of distillation, along with original recipes, have been passed down through generations of Melettis and are the foundation of the family’s portfolio today. Family-owned and -operated for more than 150 years, Matteo Meletti represents the 5th generation of the family to carry forth the business.