Amrut Liberty Whisky 750ml

    Amrut Liberty Whisky 750ml


    Amrut Liberty Whisky. NOSE: Wave of tropical fruits and becomes sweet oranges coated with honey. There is a layer of lavender, perhaps the other name for the floral traits with sued leather. The rye spices are evident and yet humble. TASTE: Absolutely honeyed tropical fruits and mid-palate is rich and creamy with a sensation of rye spice. As in the nose, clear honey-coated oranges and it is a delight with the softest phenols.FINISH: Orange honey and pickling spices.

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    The history of Amrut Distilleries is as old as the history of independent India itself. Indeed, just as India is now noted as one of the world’s leading economies, so too is Amrut Distilleries an industry leader. In 1948, as India was taking its place as an independent nation, Amrut Distilleries entered the field of liquor making, with an initial investment of a few lakhs. Today’s success has been made possible by the resolve of successive generations of the Jagdale family to embrace value and quality.

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