Kawatsuru Crane of Paradise Junmai 720ml -

    Kawatsuru Crane of Paradise Junmai 720ml


    Juicy notes of grapefruit and freshly cut grass, with a hint of salted pineapple. Crisp, dry finish with an almost effervescent energy behind it. This round and mineral-driven Junmai Sake is described as “umakuchi” (combining sweet, salty, dry, and umami flavors). Notes of grapefruit and freshly cut grass; the finish is crisp and dry.

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    The Kawatsuru brewery is located on the island of Shikoku within the Kagawa prefecture—think south of Hiroshima and Okayama and far west of Tokyo. Kawatsuru means river crane, paying respect to the graceful white bird found flying over this land, symbolizing longevity and good fortune. Made with Yamada Nishiki rice, the Crane of Paradise Junmai sake can be described as “umakuchi,” providing a combination of sweet, dry, and umami sensations with each sip.

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