Hillrock Solera Aged Bourbon 750ml

    Hillrock Solera Aged Bourbon 750ml


    Hillrock Solera Aged Bourbon. The slight cinnamon aromas are surprising along with the oaked caramel-vanilla and floral, fruit notes in the nose of this golden amber bourbon. Sweet, yet spicy full-bodied flavors are warm with maple syrup, brown sugar, molasses, toffee, roasted corn, and raisin notes on the palate are balanced by spicy notes of clove and cinnamon. The medium to long warm finish abounds with sweet caramel and butterscotch.

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    In the early 1800’s, New York produced more than half the young nation’s Barley and Rye and the Hudson Valley was the country’s breadbasket. With abundant high quality grain, local craft spirits flourished and over 1000 farm distilleries produced Whiskey and Gin reflecting the unique terroir of the region. In the 1930’s, Prohibition forced these distilleries to shut their doors and this wellspring of American spirits was left dry. Hillrock Estate Distillery is changing this. Our mission is to produce the finest hand-crafted spirits made with our own grain, floor malted, craft distilled in our copper pot still, aged in fine oak and hand bottled at our estate in the Hudson Valley Highlands. Crowned by a fine 1806 Georgian house built by a successful grain merchant and Revolutionary War Captain and meticulously restored to its original beauty, Hillrock Distillery overlooks our rolling barley fields and the distant Berkshire Mountains. Like our premier spirits, every detail refined, no expense spared, quality steeped in the tradition of 200 years of rich history.

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