Perc Coffee Liqueur 750ml

    Perc Coffee Liqueur 750ml


    Saxton's River Distillery Perc Coffee Liquer. Our specialty grade Arabica beans are carefully picked, milled, and processed to ensure the highest quality coffee. The beans are shipped farmer direct to be roasted locally here in Vermont. The artisanal roasting coaxes the optimal flavor and aroma for every batch. We immediately grind and cold-brew the beans after roasting to maintain and preserve their distinctive character. The last stage involves infusing the coffee with our exceptionally pure liquor and lightly sweetening the blend.

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    My family fled Czarist-controlled Lithuania in 1906. They strongly desired to assimilate into American society, but kept alive familiar Lithuanian traditions and customs, including making flavorful liqueurs. The tradition of crafting fine liqueurs has been passed from generation to generation, and we are pleased to share our unique liqueur with you.Sapling Vermont maple liqueur combines old-word heritage with the flavor of Vermont. I gained appreciation for maple syrup while living in Vermont and visiting the sugar houses of friends in spring. Understanding the amount of work required to produce quality maple syrup has given me profound respect for the final product. With a nod to family tradition and the tradition of Vermont, I offer you the unique taste of Sapling Vermont maple liqueur.

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