Ballyhoo Irish Whiskey 750ml

    Ballyhoo Irish Whiskey 750ml


    Ballyhoo Irish Whiskey. The nose is light and soft with gentle vanilla and almond mixing with some warming spice and sweetness. On the palate are notes of vanilla with some hints of spice and subtle wood from the bourbon casks, the additional port finishing adds a smoothness to the whiskey. The finish lingers long, warm and ever so smooth.

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    Hand-bottled at Connacht’s distillery in the rugged west of Ireland, Ballyhoo irish whiskey embodies the best of the word’s meaning: an exclamation of triumph over the rival team; a rallying cry between lifelong friends; a toast to a difficult journey or a hard-fought victory. Ballyhoo begins as a sourced irish whiskey with a mash bill of 93% corn imported from france and 7% malted barley that we bring to our distillery to further age and finish in used port barrels from portugal. this second step softens the grain whiskey and rounds out the flavour into an easy sipper. we do not add artificial colour or caramel, so the product remains quite light in appearance, but with some reddish undertones from the port.

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