Sombra Reposado Mezcal 750ml -

    Sombra Reposado Mezcal 750ml


    Sombra Reposado Mezcal. A lush & fruity nose with a hint of smoke, vanilla, orange peel and blackberries. Smooth & warming to the palate, with a long fruit-driven finish. Sombra Mezcal is an artisanal spirit that respects the traditions of Oaxaca, while elevating production methods to include sustainable and responsible practices for the good of the local environment and local economy.

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    Is made from Espadín agave, hand-harvested on the steep slopes of the Oaxacan Sierra. The agave hearts are buried in an earthen pit where they slowly roast over hot rocks. The agave are then crushed by a mechanical limestone tahona, fermented with only native yeast, and expertly distilled. The byproducts of the distillation are then upcycled into adobe bricks to rebuild earthquake damaged homes.

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