Litchfield Hand Crafted Manhattan Small Batch Cocktail 750ml -

    Litchfield Hand Crafted Manhattan Small Batch Cocktail 750ml


    Litchfield Hand Crafted Manhattan Small Batch Cocktail. The Manhattan small-batch cocktail also features our Straight Bourbon Whiskey along with a specially-selected sweet vermouth and bitters. We honed the recipe to invite slight bitterness and herbal undertones, without too much sweetness. We wanted to account for the fact that many customers would add Maraschino Cherries to their poured cocktail, which will increase the overall sweetness level. The result is a multi-dimensional flavor experience that evolves from palate to finish in a most satisfying way.

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    We love a classic Manhattan mixed with our CT-Grown, high-rye Bourbon. It's such a well-balanced cocktail with subtle sweetness and herbal undertones. The Sweet Vermouth adds a touch of sweetness while our award-winning Bourbon lends lovely caramel and vanilla notes. It's ready-to-drink, just stir with ice to chill and add a maraschino cherry to garnish, if you so choose.

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