Teryan XO Brandy 750ml

    Teryan XO Brandy 750ml


    Teryan XO Brandy. An intense taste of brandy that combines floral and spicy notes, with strong essences of fruit and oak, Copper color. Aromas and flavors of green apple, lemon and orange oils, magic marker, and watermelon and strawberry bubble gum with a slightly chewy, bright, dry medium-to-full body and a warming, interesting, long finish with accents of boiled toasted oak chips, stewed fruit, and brown butter.

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    A UNIQUE XO ARMENIAN BRANDY, AGED 8 YEARS IN OAK CASK, Coming directly from Armenia, and named after Vahan Teryan, the Armenian iconic poet, the Teryan Brandy lands in the United States, in response to a high demand for authentic Armenian brandy of the past years. In fact, Armenia is thought to be the cradle of viticulture and winemaking, which is proved by the discovery in 2011 of the world’s oldest winery, approximately 6000 years old. It also appears that Armenia started making brandy around the Middle Age, preceding the production of brandy in Western Europe and notably of Cognac.

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