Partida Tequila Reposado 750ml -

    Partida Tequila Reposado 750ml


    Partida Tequila Reposado. Natural and beautiful light amber color with golden tones, transparent and clean, brilliant and full bodied. Notable aromas of vanilla, cooked agave, caramel, butter, bourbon, hazelnut and almond. These aromas are confirmed in the mouth. This amazing Reposado is the result of a great base of Tequila Blanco, the right cask selection and the perfect age timing.

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    Tequila Partida was founded in 2005 and was inspired by its namesake, Enrique Partida. Enrique was a 3rd generation agave farmer, considered a master in his community. His heritage and legacy lives on with every sip of our award-winning tequila. Partida Tequila is made from only blue agave grown in the Tequila Valley, near a dormant volcano. The rich, red volcanic soil is perfect for the plant. After 7 to 10 years in the fields, it reaches close to 100 lbs. and is hand harvested by the jimadors. After a slow, natural fermentation in stainless steel tanks, the liquid is twice distilled in small traditional pot stills, producing a clear tequila retaining the fresh, natural characters of the agave.

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