Bowmore Aston Martin 22 Year Old Whisky 750ml -

    Bowmore Aston Martin 22 Year Old 750ml


    Bowmore Aston Martin Masters Selection 22 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. An exceptional Bowmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky from the esteemed Islay distiller.  This product is bottled at 51.5% ABV and packaged in a 750ml bottle. Renowned for its distinctive Whiskey character and one of the finest, most discernible styles produced in Islay, this iteration of Aston Martin Masters Selection 22 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky represents the height of Single Malt Scotch Whisky excellence.

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    Bowmore Single Malt whisky was officially established in 1779 by local merchant John Simson, making it one of the first distilleries on Islay to ever receive license to legally produce whisky. As with many other Scottish distilleries, it’s likely that Simson had been distilling on the grounds for a number of years before that – probably since his arrival in 1766. The Bowmore distillery which lies on the South Eastern shore of Loch Indaal, is owned by Morrison Bowmore Distillers Ltd, which is part of the Japanese Suntory portfolio. As an Islay distillery, Bowmore’s whisky is peated and holds the unmistakable characteristics of an Islay Malt. However, its notes lean more towards smoke and sweeter sugars rather than of peat and seaweed. Despite its location on the banks of Loch Indaal in central Islay, Bowmore’s water comes from the river Laggan, where it flows after completing a 19-kilometer journey starting in limestone and sandstone hills on the east coast, and then picking up heather from the hills and peat in the Islay bogs.

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