High West Double Rye 750ml -

    High West Double Rye 750ml


    High West Double Rye Whiskey is a spicy rye whiskey with a perfect balance of bold spice, botanical notes, and honey flavors. This barrel aged whiskey stands out in cocktails, neat, or on the rocks. The resulting blended whiskey showcases the beauty that is rye and features a spirited flavor with high-rye spices – like cinnamon, ginger, and clove – up front, followed by mint, eucalyptus, juniper, herbal tea, and wildflower honey underneath, with just enough caramel sweetness and woody vanilla richness through the finish, along with a hint of anise.

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    Inside each bottle of whiskey is a harmonious blend of straight ryes that are aged a minimum of two years in new, charred American white oak barrels. The spicy flavor of this 92-proof American whiskey fortifies classics like Old Fashioned or Manhattan cocktails, as well as countless other whiskey cocktails. With its perfect balance of spice, botanicals, and honey whiskey flavors, this High West Whiskey also tastes great served neat, with a little water, or on the rocks.

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