Brugal Rum 1888 750ml

    Brugal Rum 1888 750ml


    Brugal 1888 Gran Reserva Rum. A deep amber color with rich red undertone. Clear and bright. Aroma: The sophisticated sweetness of red and dried fruits, raisins and dates, complement a spicy woodiness, with hints of cinnamon. Flavor: Well-rounded and smooth with body and character. Perceived sweetness of toffee and vanilla balanced with peach, cocoa and cloves. Finish: Remarkably long-lasting and elegant, with a hint of honey.

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    Brugal Rum 1888 Gran Reserva Familiar. A limited-edition rum, newly launched in August 2011, and finished in previously used Sherry casks. That Sherry finish contributes so much: the bright copper-penny color, the lush aromas of burnt orange and raisin and the smooth, full-bodied texture.

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