Amarula Cream & Marula Fruit South Africa 750ml -

    Amarula Cream Liqueur 750ml


    Succulent, with a citrus tang and a creamy, nutty taste, they are loved by everyone who knows them. Amarula has captured the heart of the marula’s uniquely exotic aromas and flavours by first fermenting the hand-harvested fruit to create a wine that is double-distilled into a clear spirit, aged in oak for 24 months.

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    Amarula is a cream liqueur from South Africa made from the fruit of the Marula tree. The Marula tree only grows in the warm, frost-free regions of subequatorial Africa, and is a sacred part of ancient African culture and ritual. It also plays an important role in nourishment for animals, sometimes nicknamed ”The Elephant Tree” because elephants will travel for miles to feast on its wild fruit.

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