Gekkeikan Black & Gold Junmai 750ml -

    Gekkeikan Black & Gold Junmai 750ml


    Full-bodied with hints of honeydew, papaya, anise and roasted nuts. Well balanced, finishes long and smooth. A great sipping sake.Japan's tradition of sake making began more than 2,000 years ago shortly after rice cultivation was introduced from China.

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    Though the first few centuries yielded a beverage quite unlike that of today, years of experience perfected brewing techniques and increased sake's overall appeal and popularity. In 1637, Gekkeikan's founder, Jiemon Okura established his sake brewery in the town of Fushimi, a location well-known for its high quality of water. Access to the ideal ingredients combined with a convenient location enabled Okura and his successors' business to thrive in the years that followed. In 1905, the brand name GEKKEIKAN (meaning "crown of laurel") was adopted as the company's formal pledge to excellence. Through this commitment, the company became a true leader in the industry and pioneered a number of research and development efforts. The successful results of these endeavors have enabled Gekkeikan to become the nation's one of the most popular brand. hanged. Dedicated just as the founder was over 370 years ago, both Gekkeikan Japan and Gekkeikan USA continue the tradition of both taste and quality.

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