Black Irish White Chocolate 750ml
Irish Cream Liqueur/. Silky, creamy and smooth, Black Irish White Chocolate Irish Cream Liqueur is just as delicious as our Original Irish Cream Liqueur and is made with Belgian white chocolate for a refined and subtle chocolate flavor: Enjoy on its own, drizzled over fresh fruit or added to your coffee or hot chocolate for a delightful sweet treat.
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Irish Cream is a classic liqueur, often associated with cold winter nights and holiday festivities filled with warmth and celebration. But a new entrant to the Irish liqueur category aims to elevate the beverage while bringing it—and its celebratory spirit—to occasions big and small, all year round. From the undeniable queen of Christmas comes Black Irish, a premium Irish Cream created to be an after-dinner drink or anytime indulgence by Mariah Carey herself. Whether consumers want to celebrate an engagement or a job promotion, or maybe they want to toast to years of friendship with the person who has always been by your side, Black Irish is a fit for all. Black Irish comes in three varieties, all of which are 17% ABV: Original, White Chocolate, and Salted Caramel. At the heart of all three is a mix of aged Irish whiskey and high-quality dairy from Irish farms.