Amaro Silano Liqueur 1L -

    Amaro Silano Liqueur 750ml


    Rich and aromatic. A slow maceration process allows the selected herbs typical of the territory to preserve their digestive quality and unique flavor.A process of slow maceration, allows the selected aromatic herbs typical of the area, to preserve beneficial digestive properties and an inimitable taste, which is released in an elixir of nuances and scents, able to evoke a mysterious and mountainous landscape typical of the Sila, place evocative and rural, which keeps intact, after centuries, an environmental, human and unique knowledge of its kind.

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    Amaro Silano, the first Amaro produced in Calabria (dating back to 1864, just three yeas after the Italian Unification), is the fastest growing Amaro in this Southern Italian region and now it is arriving in the United States. A slow maceration process made with wild Calabrian herbs gives Amaro Silano its rich yet approachable style.

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