George Dickel Recipe No. 12 Superior 750ml
George Dickel Superior Recipe No. 12 Whisky. Brings depth, range and personality with a deep, assertive flavor and remarkably smooth finish. Our 90 proof whisky contains blends of old, brazen whiskies creating a warm flavor of rich, smoky oak and subtle vanilla. Finished in the signature chilled charcoal-mellowed style, this process is what makes this specific blend so unique. With its complex flavor and finish, our No. 12 whisky is perfect for sipping on its own or adding a delicious kick to your favorite cocktail. Simply pour in a highball glass over ice, mix with soda and garnish with a lemon slice for a refreshing tasting Dickel Highball.
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Born 40 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, George A. Dickel was an established Nashville merchant. In 1867, he visited Tullahoma with his wife, Augusta. Three years later, Cascade Hollow would be home to the Dickel Distillery. Declaring his whisky of equal quality to the finest scotch, George Dickel followed in the Scottish tradition of spelling whisky without an “e.” George Dickel discovered that whisky made in the winter was smoother than whisky made in the summer. That’s why our whisky is chilled before charcoal-mellowing. This extra step filters out oils and acids, and to this day, we’re the only Tennessee distiller to do it. By 1904, under the leadership of Augusta Dickel, the distillery had become the largest in Tennessee. Although Prohibition became federal law in 1919, it was enacted in Tennessee nine years prior. The distillery was closed, and for nearly four decades the world would go without George Dickel Tennessee Whisky. In 1958, Master Distiller Ralph Dupps rebuilt the distillery. To ensure the whisky's authenticity, Dupps obtained the original manuscripts in which George Dickel had detailed his unique recipe and process. Today, Distiller Allisa Henley carries on the tradition of excellence that has made our brand a symbol of quality for over 130 years.