Barrell Craft Spirits 750ml

    Barrell Seagrass Rye 750ml


    Barrell Whiskey Seagrass Rye Finished In Martinique Rum Madeira & Apricot Brandy Barrels. High concentrations of bright, fruity esters lend a perfume-like character to the aroma. Honeydew melon and plum sit alongside a slice of ripe apricot resting out in the sun. The underlying rye is revealed by a sea-like salinity, tarragon, and elderflower.

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    Classic rye flavors of cinnamon, rosemary, fennel seed, and rosehip aren’t far behind. Unctuous texture and sandy tannin are complemented by a delicate astringency so common to Canadian whiskeys. Finish: Fresh and clean, but the persistent tannin and astringency focus the powerful burst of camphor, chalk dust, and scorched earth.

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