Molinari Caffè Liquore 750ml -

    Molinari Caffè Liquore 750ml


    A unique product, with a strong and full-flavoured character, that can be enjoyed as an after-meal drink, with a dessert or ice cream. On the rocks or straight, Molinari Caffè is great when used in creamy cocktails.Color : Dark, with orange shades.Nose : Intense aroma of toasted coffee stands out together with the pleasant scent of anise.Finish : Final taste of coffee prevails.Palate : Warm and full-flavored. Coffee and anise harmonize perfectly.

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    Civitavecchia. It was 1945 when Angelo Molinari, an expert perfumer and connoisseur of the secrets of blending, began his experiments to create a product of the highest quality: the Sambuca Extra. A liqueur with an unmistakable taste, based on star anise, with a recipe that is still secret today. Thus began the story of the Molinari company.In the 1980s, Molinari continued to maintain its market lead thanks to a product of absolute quality, combined with careful marketing and distribution policies.The company looked to foreign markets, where it was welcomed, and also conquered international palates, in a few years becoming one of the most famous Italian products in the world.

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