Old Pulteney 15 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 92 Proof 750ml -

    Old Pulteney 15 Year 750ml


    Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 92 Proof. Rich amber.  Intense yet balanced. Bursting with rich dried fruit, ripe apples and citrus, with honey sweetness and a generous chord of creamy vanilla. Slightly chocolaty and floral in the background. There is a hint of salty sea air on the finish, a clear connection to the influence of the sea on this single malt.

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    On the most northerly shores of Scotland, where the North Sea meets the Caithness coast, there is a town; home to a whisky which captures the very essence of its location. This is Wick and we are Old Pulteney; the maritime malt.

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