Astral Blanco Tequila 750ml -

    Astral Blanco Tequila 750ml


    80 Proof. Astral Blanco is complex yet smooth, with notes of crisp citrus, clover honey, and bright white pepper, with underlying agave and an abundance of tropical fruit. Astral Tequila is made with 100% Blue Weber agave, slowly nurtured by the cyclical passing of warm daylight skies and cool luminous nights, where the sun and the stars meet.

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    Our production process is steeped in tradition and features a unique milling process using a tahona, a stone wheel which crushes the juices from the agave fibers. Those crushed fibers, or bagazo, are then used in the fermentation process to make use of more of the agave plant. This technique embraces the true character and flavor of the agave to create a complex yet smooth tequila with notes of agave and bursts of citrus.

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