1800 Tequila Anejo Cristalino 750ml -

    1800 Tequila Cristalino 750ml


    1800 Tequila Anejo Cristalino. After seven years of maturation, the agave plants are harvested and their cores, or “pinas,” are sent to the La Rojena distillery. There, they are roasted, grinded, and smashed. The resulting extract is placed into fermentation tanks. Finally, it is distilled and aged to perfection in toasted barrels.

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    in 1795, Jose Maria Guadalupe de Cuervo began selling the very first Vino Mezcal de Tequila de Jose Cuervo after receiving the first official charter from the King of Spain to produce tequila commercially. Cuervo has been producing tequila at La Rojena, the oldest active distillery in Latin America, ever since.

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