St. George Absinthe Verte 750ml -

    St. George Absinthe Verte 750ml


    St. George Spirits Absinthe Verte. We begin with the traditional components of this storied spirit: the unholy trinity of wormwood, star anise, and fennel. We then infuse an array of carefully selected herbs and botanicals in fine brandy to create a spectacularly deep flavor profile and tongue-tingling lushness-with nothing artificial, ever.

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    Since St. George Spirits was founded in 1982, we’ve grown from a dedicated eau de vie distillery into a diverse operation that makes a range of craft spirits. Then: a bare-bones production facility with tasting tables jerry-rigged on sawhorses. Now: a 65,000-square-foot hangar with a spectacular tasting room, laboratory, and a lineup of the most beautiful copper stills in the industry.

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