Whitley Neill Aloe and Cucumber Gin 750ml

    Whitley Neill Aloe and Cucumber Gin 750ml


    Whitley Neill Aloe and Cucumber Gin. The overall complexity creates a smooth, fragrant yet well-balanced gin. Whitley Neill is made from a 100% grain spirit that is steeped with botanicals prior to being distilled in a beautiful antique copper pot still called ‘Constance’ who is over 100 years old.

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    Only the purest water is used and each of the nine botanicals are carefully selected to ensure that they are of the highest quality. Whitley Neill’s tagline of “Crafted from the tree of life” goes a long way in describing what those botanicals might be. Bringing together a mix of innovative botanicals like cape gooseberries and baobab fruit to its lineup, it also has other more traditional botanicals such as juniper, coriander, lemon & orange peel, angelica root, cassia bark and orris root. The tagline also lends its cues to the attitude taken on by the creator Johnny Neill, as it reflects his fresh 21st century outlook whilst also making a reference to gin’s heritage and the London based gin distilling experience put into use at the distillery.

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