Roots Rakomelo 750ml -

    Roots Rakomelo 750ml


    Flavour Naturally sweet, honey, and spirited taste. Subtle presence of spices with a very rich and delicate mouthfeel. Aroma Strong and flamboyant, fruity and slightly nutty smell with a noticeable spirity entourage. Color Bright, jazzy and warm gold-to-yellow hue.

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    Simply put, raki and honey, stirred with cinnamon and clove buds. The history of Rakomelo goes back to the 12th century, when the Peloponnese peninsula was under Frankish occupation. Though, others place its story on the island of Crete and the Cyclades islands. No matter what the real story is, Rakomelo blends natural honey in perfect harmony with the strong raki spirit.

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